Friday, 3 December 2010

Message of Support from Alex Callinicos

Good luck to you all and solidarity. You're fighting for all of us. Alex Callinicos.

1 comment:

  1. EAN national teach-in: Education for the People - Not for the Market

    Speakers include journalists George Monbiot and Laurie Penny, lecturers Stathis Kouvelakis and Mike Neary, 1968 veteran John Rose and more TBC.

    According to The Independent the student movement has broken through the ‘cuts consensus’. Now we have an opportunity to challenge a vision of education that is dominated by the market – where private companies are gaining the power to award degrees and young people are to be priced out of our colleges and universities.

    In the university occupations of May 1968 students took control of their curriculum from the authorities – thousands attended lectures by Sartre,
    Genet and others.

    At the national Teach-in, students, academics, artists, musicians, writers, precarious workers and trade unionists will be debating the alternatives for education. There will also be forums for HE and FE/school students to coordinate the next steps in the struggle.
